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Ramadan Guide 2021

July 25, 2022

Ramadan Mubarak! The most beautiful month in the heart of every Muslim is here. This is a blessed time, packed with opportunities for us to re-establish our relationship with our Maker, refresh our Salah (prayer), and strive for greater Taqwa (God-consciousness) in our daily lives.

Last Ramadan took us by surprise with its unprecedented flavor. But alongside our devotion to Allah (swt), community spirit has always been at the core of this highly spiritual month.

Here’s a quick guide and reminder to Ramadan 2021 to help us fully experience all the benefits of this special month.


1. Break your fast with Du’a during Iftar time.

Long fasting days and growling bellies might tempt us to dive straight into our curry-scented, pilau-rich Iftars at sunset. But, when we do so, we miss a vital opportunity—that of making a special kind of Du’a that, according to our Prophet (pbuh), will not be rejected by Allah (swt):


“There are three whose du’a is not rejected: a just ruler, the fasting person when he breaks his fast and the prayer of the oppressed person.” – Narrated by al-Tirmidhi, 2525.


We can’t think of a better time to offer our supplications to the Creator. With the new vaccination program slowly unraveling across the globe, we remain hopeful, yet times are still uncertain. So, let’s use our Iftar Dua to ask for a healthier ummah in the years to come and a speedier recovery for those already affected by the virus.


2. Offer an Iftar meal to a brother and/or sister.

It’s true that Sawm (fasting) is obligatory in Ramadan. But it serves a higher purpose than just abstinence.
Keeping Sawm teaches us a great deal about maintaining our focus, discipline, and Sabr (patience) during the holy month.

It’s much easier to ignore our pangs of hunger during the day when we have access to lots of nutritional Sunnah foods at Suhur and Iftar times. But over 60% of Muslims in Pakistan don’t have this privilege. And not just in Ramadan. Since the onset of the global pandemic, food insecurity has skyrocketed in the Pakistani ummah, which makes an Iftar meal more significant than ever.

Alhamdulillah! In previous years, you provided over 22,790 Iftar packs to the needy. Can you provide 10 people an iftar for just £40?


 3. Purify your wealth through Zakat.

Zakat, which is wajib (obligatory) on every abled Muslim, can be given at any time during the year, but many Muslims choose to give Zakat in Ramadan. (link to blog on Zakat)

Considering this is also “the month of sympathy for one’s fellowmen” [Ibn Khuzaimah], as described by the Prophet (pbuh), it’s no wonder that most of us decide to donate our Zakat generously to our brothers and sisters in Ramadan.

To make sure you collect all your blessings on Zakat, read our special Zakat guide for Ramadan 2021.


4. Give water for immeasurable rewards!

If water is the best Sadaqah Jariyah that anyone can give and is also given in Ramadan, when all charity is amplified, we can’t even fathom the multitude of blessings and rewards that Allah (swt) has in store for us when we give this vital gift to the thirsty in the ummah.


In the Qur’an, Allah (swt) says: “By means of water, we give life to everything”. (Qur’an, 21:30)


What seems like a fundamental human right is not easily available to many people living in rural Pakistan. And, to complete the vicious cycle, the lack of water also puts many women and children at risk every single day, since they have to embark on long journeys in search of a safe water source.

This Ramadan, build a well with Al-wahab Foundation to prevent such dangers. One act of kindness and you can be sure to reap rewards for the rest of your life!


5. The unmatched advantage of giving charity on Laylat al-Qadr.

The last 10 days of Ramadan, which many scholars tell us are the best 10 days of the year, also include the greatest night of all: Laylat al-Qadr or The Night of Power. This is the night when the Quran was revealed, which makes it “better than a thousand months” (97:3). However, nobody knows exactly when Laylat al-Qadr is, but only that it falls on an odd night in one of the 10 days. So, our safest bet is to be consistent in our charity if we don’t want to miss out on the extraordinary offering of this night: blessings for what is the equivalent of 83 years’ worth of charity.

Start scheduling your good deeds now for those last 10 days! Here are some suggestions.


6. Missed a fast? Don’t forget to pay your Fidyah and Kaffarah.

Many people tend to confuse the two. But, the differences between Fidyah and Kaffarah are fundamental!

Since Sawm is obligatory during the holy month of Ramadan, missing a fast is not permissible and, if this happens, we have to pay a compensation for each missed day. In case of illness, travel, or any reasonable circumstances that stop us from fulfilling this obligation, we have to feed a poor person for each missed fast with our Fidyah. With Ummah, this is only £5 per missed day.


When there is no reasonable explanation for our missed fasts, we are required to compensate with Kaffarah. Give Kaffarah to Ummah and feed 60 poor people today.

You can find out more about Kafarrah Fidyah here.

May this Ramadan bring peace and tranquillity to your hearts and minds!

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