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Chairman’s Visit To Pakistan

July 25, 2022

Ummah Charity International’s Chairman, Mufti Abdul Wahab, visited Pakistan in October to oversee the implementation of various projects, such as that of eyecare, disability, women empowerment, masjid, water, cooked food, and Rozgar. The visit allowed our chairman to ensure the life-changing facilities created or purchased with your selfless donations were adequately incorporated into the community.

Our chair founded UCI in 2012 after witnessing the ramifications of the devastating effect of natural disasters. As such, he takes great pride in witnessing the way our revolutionary work transforms our impoverished communities. This hands-on approach is essential to our continued progression, as his clear dedication to our cause is important to the development of our volunteers, and satisfaction of our important trustees.

Although the overall implementation of the facilities was a success, the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic aroused various difficulties. Adhering to governmental guidelines such as mask-wearing and social distancing negatively impacted our ability to distribute essential resources, and to offer access to crucial facilities.

In addition to issues with distribution and accessibility, the pandemic posed great difficulty to our necessary interactions with the community. Our efforts to gain an insight into the current lives of our beneficiaries and prospective beneficiaries were strained due to our need to minimise contact.


At Ummah Charity International, transparency is paramount to everything that we do. We want all those invested in our life-changing work to be cognizant of all the pertinent details of our decisions. This is done in an effort to keep you involved in the outcome of your donations, keep you abreast of any developments, and to allow to you give us feedback if you have an opinion to express. At UCI, we are invested in in our donors, and take their donations seriously.

Our chair’s visit to Pakistan is part of this process of transparency. By personally overseeing the work of our conscientious team, he can uphold the high standard we set for our humanitarian endeavours. Any imperfections can be taken note of and evaluated accordingly, to ensure they are corrected for future projects.


We worked in the following areas: Yousuf Goth, Saeed Abad, Burmi Colony, Surjani Town, Sidnh, Hub Bolochistan, Karachi. Thankfully, our chairman and our devoted team remained steadfast in their efforts and thus, our people in Pakistan were able to access the resources we prepared for them.

We created 3 eye camps in October, giving hundreds of the underprivileged people access to optical care. These are people that may have lost the semblance of any significant sight at all, but can now see again, due to prescription glasses that were long overdue.

We created 3 Masjids, giving our beloved communities a social, religious centre, strengthening the solidarity of the community and facilitating spiritual and educational growth. Building these in rural areas helps to offer our people much-needed guidance.

For our disability project, we donated 11 wheelchairs for use by the elderly, the sick, and those with disabilities like paralysis and birth defects. Our wheelchairs will empower the immobile, enabling them some degree of independence to enact their daily activities.

There was a plethora of other contributions to existing projects, such as 3 daigs of cooked food, 8 rickshaws for our Rozgar project, and 100 sewing machines for our women empowerment project. Our chair was satisfied with the result of our efforts and is enthusiastic about the future of UCI.

We’d like to thank you for making the work that we possible. UCI continues to eliminate the suffering and hardship of our people, and with your continued support, we will continue to do so.

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