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Ramadan 2023: Dates, Fasting and Acts of Worship

March 3, 2023

When is Ramadan 2023?

For Muslims across the globe, Ramadan is an incredibly special month which this year falls from 22nd March to 21st April, dependent on the moon sighting. During these 30 days, there is increased opportunity to earn forgiveness and reward from Allah (swt).


Fasting in Ramadan

‘Oh, you who believe! Fasting is prescribed to you as it was prescribed to those before you, that you may learn piety and righteousness.’ (Qur’an 2:183)

Fasting is prescribed for all healthy, adult Muslims – although some exemptions do apply such as pregnancy or illness. It is narrated in the ahadith that whoever fasts the entire month out of faith will have all their previous sins forgiven.

The fast begins with the Suhoor meal just before sunrise and the Fajr prayer. From this point, until sunset, believers will abstain from all food and drink, including water. In addition, smoking, bad language, gossip and other negative actions are forbidden.

When dusk comes, Muslims break their fast with a meal called Iftar. This is typically dates and milk or water as per the Sunnah (traditions) of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh). Following this, they perform the Maghrib prayer and any other additional worship before a hearty, nutritious meal. During the evening, many Muslims will also perform the Tarawih congregational prayer at the local mosque.

If you cannot fast during Ramadan and have a valid exemption such as long-term illness and are unable to make up the missed fasts, you can instead make a payment known as Fidya. This charitable payment can pay for food for those who are hungry.


‘Fasting is for a fixed number of days, and if one of you be sick, or if one of you be on a journey, you will fast the same number of other days later on. For those who are capable of fasting (but still do not fast) there is a redemption: feeding a needy man for each day missed. Whoever voluntarily does more good than is required, will find it better for him; and that you should fast is better for you, if you only know. ‘ (Holy Qur’an 2:184)


Additional Acts of Worship:


Reciting Qur’an

‘The month of Ramadan is that in which the Qur’an was sent down as a guidance for mankind with clear proofs and guidance and discrimination.’ (Qur’an 2:186)

Ramadan is known as the month of the Qur’an. These 30 days are characterised by the desire to devote oneself in remembrance of Allah (swt) to cleanse the sins and earn blessings. Ramadan is known as the month of the Qur’an as it is the month during which the Holy Qur’an was revealed to the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) via the Angel Jibreel. To commemorate this, Muslims will aim to read or recite the entire Qur’an during the 30 days of Ramadan.


Giving in Charity

‘Believe in Allah and His Messenger and spend (in charity) out of the (substance) whereof He has made you heirs. For, those of you who believe and spend (in charity), for them is a great Reward.’ (Qur’an 57:7)

Muslims are obligated to give Zakat on an annual basis – a percentage of 2.5% of their wealth for those who earn over the threshold. Although this can be given at any time, many Muslims choose to donate their Zakat during Ramadan to gain extra blessings.

In addition to Zakat, which is obligatory on those who can afford it, any Muslim can give Sadaqah – voluntary, charitable donations. Sadaqah can be as much or as little as you like and can be given as many times as desired. Giving in charity during Ramadan is one of the most popular ways in which Muslims can increase their worship of Allah (swt), express gratitude for their blessings, expediate sins and earn protection from harm.


Keep hopes alive this Ramadan

At Al Wahab Foundation we take your donations seriously all year round. During Ramadan, we understand that your generosity carries extra significance. Your support to feed a fasting person with an Iftar meal, build a water well, support a maktab or build a masjid are beautiful acts of worship.

With your donations, we can keep hopes alive this Ramadan across Pakistan, Turkey and Uganda where millions of people live in daily poverty. Malnutrition and hunger are widespread due to recent severe flooding amplifying the already challenging conditions in Pakistan. Entire villages have been destroyed and homes, crops and livestock swept away. The condition in Turkey is similar, with the earthquakes destroying entire towns. For these people, Ramadan will be a particularly difficult month.

This Ramadan you can help us change this and provide those in need with healthy, fulfilling meals to complete their fast and clean water to protect them from illness. Your Sadaqah can give education and safety for impoverished children, livelihood support struggling families or even rebuild a masjid damaged by floods so people can perform their religious duties together.


Our 100% Zakat Donation Policy

Our 100% donation policy means that when you give your Zakat with us, you can be sure that every penny you intend for someone most in need, goes towards helping and saving their lives.

Donate today and fulfil your worship for Ramadan. Your support can be the answer to someone’s prayer and keep their hopes alive this year.

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