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Preparing for Ramadan – Six Top Tips

Preparing for Ramadan – Six Top Tips

Ramadan is just around the corner and as much as we look forward to this holy month, often the fast-paced nature of our lives does not allow us to fully be ready for this blessed time of the year. But worry not! We have made a list of all the things that will help you get your house, family and mind ready for the most important month of the year!

Teach younger children the significance of fasting


Children notice changes in people’s behaviors so it’s likely that if you have younger children in the house, you get a lot of questions from them around Ramadan. This year, sit down with your children and breakdown the basic reasons behind why we fast as Muslims and what benefits it holds for our lives here and beyond. Maybe include their wishes in a prayer list as well!

While you’re at it, consider donating towards our Street School Project which educates children from impoverished families, these children desperately need the support you can provide so don’t hold back! 

£1 Sadaqah e Jariyah

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Support a Family in the Holy Month

The month of Ramadan is undoubtedly full of joy and blessings for you but we also must remember that fir many, this month means added challenges and financial difficulties. As a distressingly large number of the Muslim ummah struggles to provide for themselves, this is a real opportunity for those of us better-off to extend a hand of support before the holy month begins so that these unfortunate households can also have decent iftar and suhoor meals.

Ummah Charity has been doing their part in this initiative in helping such families by providing them with monthly food packs. Just in the last week, our chairman Mufti Abdul Wahab personally donated food packs to families in need in Talhar, District Badeen, with thousands more planned to be distributed

£30 Maktab


Volunteer at a Local Soup Kitchen:

We have often heard that “Charity begins at home”, sometimes, it doesn’t just mean your immediate family, it can also mean helping out your local communities. Before Ramadan starts this year, make a habit of volunteering at a local community kitchen at least once a week so that it fits into your schedule in the holy month as well. What’s better is that with Ummah Charity’s “serving our communities” project, you can even donate the meals you help distribute at the London Community Kitchen Harrow, starting from just £50. Don’t miss out the opportunity of earning tenfold rewards for this act of kindness in the holy month.

Decorate your house:

Younger children, especially those growing up in western countries associate special occasions with festive decorations in and around the house. So, this year before Ramadan starts, decorate the house with your children with lanterns, some buntings, fairy lights and candles so that they learn that this time of the year is not only important but also joyful for Muslims.

£500 Eye camp


Meal prep:

Perhaps the most stressful part of Ramadan is preparing elaborate suhoor and iftar meals for the entire family in time for the call of prayer. This year, ease some burden off of yourself by meal prepping before the month starts. Take a few days out of your schedule to plan out your Ramadan menus and cook and freeze foods that are eaten often in your house during the holy month, it will save you hours of stress!

As you plan and prepare your iftar meals, think for a moment about the families who simply do not have the resources to buy decent food for themselves even in the blessed month. Donate towards our iftar project to help feed such families in need.

Calculate and Pay your Zakat beforehand:

We know how tricky it can be to calculate your zakat with fluctuating gold prices and changes in your savings but we’ve got you covered! This Ramadan, simply use our Zakat calculator to figure out how much you need to donate as your Islamic obligation. From our website, select the cause closest to you heart whether its education, giving people monthly food packs during Ramadan or simply providing families access to clean water and give your Zakat towards it. We suggest you do this before Ramadan starts so that you save yourself the last-minute stress and also provide relief to people during the holy month.

These were our six top tips to help you prepare for the holy month, we hope these gave you some ideas and that you feel inspired and ready for the blessed month ahead of us!