This Ramadan, your donation can provide food, water, and essentials to those in need. Help us transform lives —Donate Now!
July 25, 2022
The word Sadaqah is derived from Sadaq, which means “truth” or “sincerity”, in the context of charity it takes on the meaning of something being a true act of kindness and selflessness, while “Jariyah” means “on-going” or something that flows continuously. Together they make the term “Sadaqah e Jariyah”, referring to the kind of Islamic charity which is boundless in its nature; in that it rewards the donor without limit, while also benefitting the receiver indefinitely. There are many ways you can give Sadaqah e Jariyah. Just think long term, anything that helps a person, a family, a community for an extended or an indefinite period of time qualifies. Ummah Charity International has always aimed to solve issues around poverty in a systemic way and to reach that goal, we try to keep our long terms projects at the fore front, all of which can benefit from your Sadaqah e Jariyah! Here are five Projects of ours that you can give your Sadaqah e Jariyah towards: Helping a child get an education is one of the most valued form of charity in Islam, particularly if that education also includes the study of Qur’an, hadith and other Islamic knowledge. Ummah Charity International funds two Maktabs in Pakistan where a total of 300 students receive a well-rounded education, including both Islamic and secular subjects. The Maktabs are entirely funded by our generous donors, who in turn earn the endless rewards of Sadqah e Jariya and the peace of mind that comes with helping impoverished children get a chance at a better life. “Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.” At AWF, we strongly believe that providing people with the means necessary to break out of cycles of poverty is more helpful than giving them temporary aid. Therefore, our Rozgar project gives people Rickshaws and Delivery Motorbikes so they earn a living for themselves without having to rely on outside help. This project is a brilliant way of giving Sadaqah e Jariyah as you will earn rewards on all the halal earning of the person you help! Creating ease for people in getting access to water is perhaps one of the most helpful forms of charity. It changes the living standards of entire communities almost instantly, freeing hours of their days that they previously spent fetching water. It is therefore understandable that creating a stable and long-term source of water for someone is rewarded highly by Allah (SWT)Prophet Muhammad (SAW) said: “The best charity is giving water to drink” [Ahmad] and he was the most generous in giving charity.AWF has helped over 150,00 people get access to clean and safe drinking water, building water hand pumps and wells with our Water Project, giving both the donors and the beneficiaries endless blessings and rewards. Giving your Sadaqah e Jariyah towards providing healthcare to people in needBuilding new mosques or re-building mosques in destitute conditions helps people that would otherwise have no place to offer their Salah in union. Building mosques in impoverished communities strengthens people’s relationship to their faith and provides them with a safe and conducive space to grow spiritually. All of this is enabled by the generous support of our donors, who benefit from the rewards of Sadaqah e Jariyah for as long as the mosque they help build remains. Giving your Sadaqah e Jariyah towards providing healthcare to people in need ensures that no one remains deprived of basic resources to survive. Ummah Charity International helps thousands of people annually by providing them free optical care in our eye camps we set up in low-income neighbourhoods. We provide free eye consultations, medication and glasses to people in impoverished communities. Additionally, people who visit our camps, if diagnosed with major eye ailments are referred to senior doctors for surgeries, which we also fund. These five projects are pivotal in providing people with sustainable solutions to generational poverty while giving you the boundless rewards of Sadaqah e Jariyah, become a part of these to long term solutions!1. Providing Islamic Education as Sadaqah e Jariyah
2. Giving people “means to a livelihood
3. Providing Water as Sadaqah e Jariyah
4. Building Mosques as Sadaqah e Jariyah
5. Donating Towards Healthcare
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