This Ramadan, your donation can provide food, water, and essentials to those in need. Help us transform lives —Donate Now!
Around the world, 828 million people suffer from food insecurity. Over 43 million are on the brink of famine. These figures often rise due to ongoing natural disaster, drought, conflict and abject poverty. Donations to our Feed the Hungry initiative can help relieve hunger, fuel bodies, and provide hope. Donate today to fight the effects of poverty.
“He is not a believer when his stomach is filled but his neighbour is hungry.” (Bukhari)
Feeding the hungry is a fundamental part of Islamic faith. Relieving hunger and helping those who are less fortunate brings immense reward.
Our food packs donation will sustain a whole family for one month with vital supplies to create filling meals, reducing hunger, food insecurity and providing vital nutrition.
Donate food packs donation today and help those who are starving.
19,200 +
Food Packs Donation
Beneficiaries of Food Packs Donation
Your donation towards our food packs donation can save impoverished families from continuing hunger.
Without food supply or reliable income, many people are forced to beg, suffering humiliation and
exploitation. Parents often go without food, giving the little they have to their children to try and combat
the devasting effects of malnutrition on growing bodies.
Your Zakat or Sadaqah donation
can pay for a one month’s supply of food staples for a family in need.
Our packs include flour, rice, sugar, lentils, powdered milk plus other essential food items to enable families to
have nutritious and fulfilling meals. With your generosity we can ensure people who have lost everything
due to natural disaster, flooding and long-term poverty are sustained and energised without the worry of
how to find their next meal from our food packs donation project.
“My name is Iqbal, and I am a farmer, residing in Thar with my family of six. Life here is a constant struggle for survival. The scarcity of food is a persistent issue, and providing nourishment for my children is a daily challenge. We depend on occasional work opportunities, but they are not enough to ensure a stable supply of food. We often go to bed hungry, and my heart aches to see my children suffer. I am greatly thankful to Al-Wahab Foundation and Mufti Abdul Wahab for their understanding and compassion towards our difficulty. The food packs they provided have been a lifeline for my family. We now have enough to eat for the entire month as it includes every food staple ensuring nourishing meals for my family, and my children no longer go to bed hungry. I am truly humbled by this kindness from Al-Wahab Foundation and Mufti Abdul Wahab. We will pray for them every day.
′And they give food, in spite of love for it, to the needy, the orphan, and the captive. (Holy Qur’an: 76:8)
Since 2014, we provided food packs to 143,980 people in desperate need
of help. We are committed to easing the suffering of people across Pakistan where food poverty remains
an alarming problem. Over 40% of the population do not have enough food each day and more than 20% suffer
malnutrition. Donate Al- Wahab Foundation’s food packs donation project today to help the needy.
Our established network is growing and with your continued support we
can reach more people in need. Recent flooding in the region has destroyed crops and livestock disrupting
agriculture and food supply, leaving even more people starving and at risk. Our local knowledge means
we are on the ground, reaching people and bringing hope.
Donate today and your support of Sadaqah or Zakat will help to feed hungry
children, sustain weakened
adults and save lives.
You select food packs donation
and make a donation on our
Once enough food pack donations
are collected, our team identifies
high-risk areas in Pakistan.
With your donation, our team arranges
food packs and handles logistics
for their distribution.
Members of the community are invited
to collect their food packs.
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