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July 25, 2022
COVID-19 (Corona Virus) has been declared a global pandemic by the World Health Organisation and it has shaken the world in the span of a little over two months.
During global crises like this, we begin to understand why our Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) emphasised the importance of keeping clean.
But it’s not just our exterior that we must take care to keep clean, it’s our interior state of mind as well. During such situations, resorting to panic isn’t the way to go. Read about the upcoming Ramdan.
Here are 5 top tips to look after yourself during this crisis:
1. Hygiene!
2. Self isolate if necessary.
3. Don’t panic!
4. Help the community.
5. Practice social distancing when necessary.
Check on those around you during this time and help make things easier for the authorities and medical staff who are working around the clock for us. You can play your part by looking after yourself in all the necessary ways, to stop the spread of this pandemic of Corona Virus.
Those who are merciful will be shown mercy by the Merciful. Be merciful to those on the earth and the One above the heavens will have mercy upon you.
Written by Mufti Abdul Wahab
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